Case: logo development: whole bean coffee ZARGAZZA | Client Entrepreneur Grigoryan

Logo design / Packaging design

The ZARGAZZA coffee brand is a “family” large-format package with a convenient dosing lid that helps keep coffee beans fresh.

It was necessary to develop a classic logo design and packaging with Italian motifs. The packaging design should also convey the division of the coffee line by days of the week. Each day of the week corresponds to a certain blend of coffee. Each blend has its own color in the packaging design. Blends decrease in strength as the week goes on: stronger at the beginning of the week. For example, “Lunedi” (Monday in Italian) is the strongest blend. This marketing task was carried out using the first two packages in the series to launch the ZARGAZZA brand on the coffee market. In the future, the design of the entire line for all days of the week is planned.

The logo uses the symbolism of the Italian flag to reinforce the perception of this coffee as an Italian product.

Innovative dispenser lid